Dupuytren’s Diathesis

What is Dupuytren’s Diathesis? Diathesis is a medical term meaning tendency toward a condition. One way of describing a person with Dupuytren’s diathesis is that they have more of whatever Dupuytren’s is. Diathesis usually means more aggressive Dupuytren’s: earlier age of onset; more fingers involved; more often bilateral; faster progression; more recurrence problems. The hallmark […]

Needle Aponeurotomy and Xiaflex compared

Xiaflex (Collagenase) has finally been approved by the FDA for the treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture. When work began on the development of collagenase to treat Dupuytren’s contracture, the bar was pretty low: anything better than fasciectomy in terms of either safety or efficacy would be a great advance. No other treatment options were available in […]