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August is National Make a Will month

Here at the Dupuytren Research Group, we’re planning for the future. Dupuytren spans generations. Our work centers on families. That’s why it’s the perfect time to be reminded that August is National Make a Will Month. Wills are essential regardless of wealth. They are about you – protecting your loved ones, avoiding family feuds, and preventing the government’s control of your legacy. They are also about Dupuytren – because you can support Dupuytren Research in the future through your will.

Most Americans don’t have wills. Some believe it’s only for the wealthy (not true) or don’t want to think about death. If you don’t have a will, now is a perfect time to give yourself peace of mind and take charge of your future. Speak with a lawyer or use a free or cost-effective online tool. If you have a will, ensure it is up to date and reflects your goals.

Finally, consider supporting a charitable organization like the Dupuytren Research Group in your final plans. You can choose to leave any percentage or any amount to this and other charities.

We can make a better future if we work together.


Charles Eaton MD