IDDB, biomarkers and big data to cure Dupuytren disease

The International Dupuytren Data Bank (IDDB) will focus on Dupuytren biomarkers Why are biomarkers important for Dupuytren disease? Dupuytren contracture is an effect, not a cause. Think of fever. Fever is an effect of infection, drug reaction, or something else. Just treating the effect – the fever – doesn’t cure the cause. ‌‌ You have to find […]

GivingTuesday Deal for the Dupuytren Foundation

It has been a great year – thanks to you! We’ve launched the International Dupuytren Data Bank (IDDB) – research for a cure, to be the largest Dupuytren study in history. Now that the IDDB is underway, your support is more important than ever. Please consider increasing your year-end gift to the Dupuytren Foundation this year […]

Three types of Dupuytren disease?

It’s important to understand the difference between Dupuytren disease (any Dupuytren like changes in the hand – with or without contracture) and Dupuytren contracture (a bent finger due to Dupuytren like changes). An unsolved issue is variability of disease. It is not known what percent of people with early Dupuytren changes (a lump, a cord without contracture) will […]

Will Winford’s Dupuytren Challenge: Climbing El Capitán for a Cure

Dupuytren disease is a challenge. So is climbing straight up the side of a tall mountain with your bare hands. Today Will Winford, a 27 year old rock climber with Dupuytren disease, begins his conquest of both – climbing  the 3000 vertical feet of El Capitán and using this to help raise awareness of Dupuytren disease. Find […]

2015 International Symposium on Dupuytren Disease

2015 Dupuytren Symposium

The May 2015 International Dupuytren Symposium in Groningen, The Netherlands was very productive. A textbook based on the proceedings is in the works. Video presentations are rolling out on