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Dupuytren’s Diathesis

What is Dupuytren’s Diathesis? Diathesis is a medical term meaning tendency toward a condition. One way of describing a person with Dupuytren’s diathesis is that they have more of whatever Dupuytren’s is. Diathesis usually means more aggressive Dupuytren’s: earlier age of onset; more fingers involved; more often bilateral; faster progression; more recurrence problems. The hallmark […]

Dupuytren’s and Associated Conditions

Dupuytren’s is associated with three conditions, Ledderhose, Peyronie’s and frozen shoulder. These all share a similar biology at a cellular level. Dupuytren’s is also associated with other conditions, such as diabetes, alcoholism, epilepsy, advanced HIV for reasons which are less clear. Is Dupuytren’s a risk factor for some of these other health issues or is […]