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Options For Severe Dupuytren Recontracture 2/2

The three traditional treatments for severe recurrent Dupuytren contracture are PIP joint fusion, dermofasciectomy and amputation. These have been reviewed here. The list of alternative approaches is growing, particularly for the most difficult problem of PIP joint recontracture. The problem is that over time, the tendons and ligaments of a bent PIP joint change and […]

2015 International Symposium on Dupuytren Disease

2015 Dupuytren Symposium

The May 2015 International Dupuytren Symposium in Groningen, The Netherlands was very productive. A textbook based on the proceedings is in the works. Video presentations are rolling out on

Options for Severe Dupuytren recontracture 1/2

The worst and unsolved part of Dupuytren contracture is recontracture after treatment, and then recontracture after retreatment. Most people don’t have this problem, but when they do, the most common joint to have this problem is the small (pinky) finger PIP joint – the joint in the middle of the finger. Recontracture after a minimally […]