Where can I find a Dupuytren Specialist?

First, a word on the importance of hand surgery specialization in Dupuytren care. 

Hand surgery is a unique specialty. Hand surgery specialists typically complete an intensive program of structured training in hand surgery. Many hand surgeons take the additional step of board certification in hand surgery.

All general orthopedic, plastic, or general surgeons are exposed to some hand surgery during their training. They may perform some hand surgery, but would not be considered hand surgery specialists unless they have had additional training in hand surgery or have a long-established practice with a large portion devoted to a wide range of hand conditions. Hand surgery specialists manage a wide range of hand conditions and have the expertise to manage complications of the treatments they provide.

Dupuytren disease can be challenging even for those with a large experience in its treatment. Because the first Dupuytren procedure can affect future treatment options, Dupuytren is best managed by hand surgery specialists rather than by those who care for some, but not all common hand disorders. 

Dupuytren care is a subspecialty within the specialty of hand surgery. There is not yet a board certification in Dupuytren care. Hand surgery organizations do not yet have a system to list Dupuytren specialists. Patients seeking a caregiver with exceptional Dupuytren expertise are best served by reviewing online credentials, recommendations from hand surgeons they trust, and organizations listing patient-recommended Dupuytren practitioners.

The British Dupuytren’s Society maintains a global map of patient-recommended physicians caring for Dupuytren and related conditions.

The International Dupuytren Society maintains a list of patient-recommended physicians caring for Dupuytren and related conditions.

The American Society for Surgery of the Hand provides a searchable directory of their specialty-trained, board-certified member hand surgeons.