One last 2021 request

The Dupuytren Research Group works all year to balance our need for funding with your need to be free from fundraising solicitations.

We’re working hard on research for a Dupuytren cure. We work to raise awareness about Dupuytren disease and the need for Dupuytren research funding. We provide educational resources for all and one-on-one consultation for individuals.

It’s now time for me to ask for your help. The window is closing for 2021 tax-deductible charitable giving.

Please give generously now to support Dupuytren research in 2022. If you haven’t given yet this year, now is the time. If you have given, thanks very much! Today is an opportunity to up your game and give again.

[ale_button url=”” style=”light-blue” size=”medium” type=”round” target=”_self”]Donate Now. Support Dupuytren Research[/ale_button]
We can make the progress we need if we all work together.

Thanks very much and have a happy and healthy 2022!

Charles Eaton MD