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Happy International Women’s Day!

Happy International Women’s Day The story that God created man before creating woman is an example of working on the rough draft before the final masterpiece. A traditional Dupuytren narrative is that Dupuytren is primarily a painless nuisance problem of bent fingers in old men. This perception does a disservice to many. Not only is […]

It’s Dupuytren’s Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Dupuytren! It may not seem that long ago, but Guillaume Dupuytren was born just 242 years ago today on Oct. 5, 1777. Dupuytren disease goes by his name because of the lecture he gave and the surgery he performed for this condition at Hôpital-Dieu in Paris on the 5th of December 1831, just […]

Dupuytren and Handwriting

Does Dupuytren affect your handwriting or how you write? Yes or no, we’d love to know! Take the short survey: – it will take less than 60 seconds. Results will be released next week. Please repost/retweet! Thanks – Charles Eaton MD