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Blue Eyes, Dupuytren Disease, and Alcoholism

  A recent study linked blue eyes with genetic risk for alcoholism. Interesting, because Dupuytren disease is more common in people with light colored eyes and according to some studies, Dupuytren is linked to chronic alcoholism. It’s a match! Or is it? Other studies conclude alcoholism is not a risk for Dupuytren disease. Both Dupuytren and blue eyes are more common in […]

Alcohol and Dupuytren’s

Is there a relationship between drinking alcoholic beverages and the chance of having Dupuytren’s? This has been debated for years. The answer? Yes, according to the report “Dupuytren’s contracture and alcohol” (full text: The authors reviewed 143 patients with and without Dupuytren’s, checked their self described drinking patterns as well as the blood tests […]