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Dupuytren and nerve problems?

Does Dupuytren cause nerve problems? A common topic of discussion on Dupuytren forums such The Dupuytren’s Disease Support Group [ale_button url=”” style=”light-blue” size=”small” type=”round” target=”_blank”] DDSG [/ale_button] is whether or not Dupuytren causes numbness and tingling in the hands and arms. As with everything Dupuytren related, the answer is …it depends. A few small studies […]

The Future is Coming!

Improving the Future of Dupuytren Care Right now, many people with mild Dupuytren biology do well after surgery or after Xiaflex – because most people have mild to moderate Dupuytren biology. The issue isn’t the patient with mild disease biology who will do well for a long time after any treatment. The issue is those […]

Dupuytren Heroes Raising Dupuytren Awareness

Dupuytren disease advocacy faces many small challenges which collectively add up to a big challenge. Even the French word Dupuytren (“Doop-a-tren”) isn’t familiar to English speakers either in sound or spelling. It doesn’t even rhyme with any English word. The result is that the word Dupuytren is hard to remember, and often doesn’t register when people see […]