Dupuytren: restoring balance vs. winning the war

There were a number of responses to the last blog post. Annie Stratton wrote something so insightful I’ve included it with permission at the end of this post. The last post used the analogy of war, the war on Dupuytren. That seemed reasonable for several reasons – the importance of strategy and tactics, the concept of […]
Strategies and Tactics of Dupuytren Treatment: Measurement

This is the introduction to an upcoming series of discussions on the science behind new potential preventive Dupuytren treatments. The guiding mission of the Dupuytren Research Group is to do what needs to be done to prevent and stop Dupuytren. Our goal is the conquest of Dupuytren. Dupuytren damages hands, but the main effort of the […]
Happy Holidays from the Dupuytren Research Group

Warm holiday wishes from the very merry team at the Dupuytren Research Group!
Happy Thanksgiving from Dupuytren Research Group!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2018 Thanksgiving from the Dupuytren Research Group. The gift of life is the best gift of all. May you have a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving!
Dupuytren and Fear of the Unknown

Dupuytren and Fear of the Unknown Boopuytren! Here’s a common Dupuytren script. A person finds something unexplained in their palm. They see a hand surgeon, who tells them “You have Dupuytren disease.” “There’s nothing to do now.” “Come back when you can’t put your palm flat on a tabletop.” First, disappointment: the doctor did …nothing! (and […]
The Importance of Dupuytren Stories

The story depends on the storyteller. For nearly two centuries, the only narrators of the story of Dupuytren have been doctors and therapists. The public face of Dupuytren was limited either to what was easy to describe (measuring finger angles) or to technical details relevant to surgery. It was a narrow tunnel vision about what […]
Happy Birthday, Dupuytren!

Today Would Have Been Dupuytren’s Birthday Guillaume Dupuytren (10/5/1777 – 2/8/1835) was born on this day in Pierre-Buffières, France. He excelled in anatomic studies and was appointed assistant surgeon at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris at the age of 26. He rose to the position of head surgeon at the Hôtel-Dieu and remained so until his […]
Women with Dupuytren disease

Women with Dupuytren Disease A traditional Dupuytren narrative is that Dupuytren is primarily a painless nuisance problem of bent fingers in old men. This perception does a disservice to many. Not only is Dupuytren common in women, it may also present a unique burden to women. Updating the traditional narrative is central to raising awareness […]
2018 Father’s Day

Father’s Day is this weekend! Fathers pass on so many things to their children – wisdom, bad jokes, and sometimes Dupuytren disease. Over half of people with Dupuytren disease know a family member with Dupuytren. Dupuytren Celebrities This Father’s Day, these celebrities share their experiences with Dupuytren in their families. Joe Bonsall, country music legend […]
One Dup, Two Dup, Red Dup, Blue Dup

So much is known about Dupuytren; much more needs to be known. Dupuytren probably isn’t one single diagnosis or one single disease. It’s the end result of overlapping causes. It’s a late effect of many possible causes, the same way similar looking scars can be the late effects of different injuries – cuts, burns, blunt trauma and […]