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International Dupuytren Society Survey Now Available

Do you or does someone you know have either Dupuytren Disease, Ledderhose Disease, or both? Here’s a message from the International Dupuytren Society: “The International Dupuytren Society, the Ledderhose Blog, and the British Dupuytren Society have jointly developed a questionnaire targeting patients suffering from Dupuytren and/or Ledderhose disease. Please share your experience with these diseases, […]

Botox and Dupuytren Disease?

Botox may have a use in the treatment of Dupuytren disease. Right now, it’s untested, but it has a scientific basis. Botox is not just the botulinium toxin. It’s a biologic extract which contains a number of unique molecules. One of these is C3 transferase, an enzyme which blocks several steps in the pathway of […]

Dupuytren Foundation 2012 Annual Report

Dupuytren Foundation Annual Report Update from  Dupuytren Foundation President, Charles Eaton MD It’s been a year of growth and change for the Dupuytren Foundation. The Dupuytren Foundation has reorganized its website  The Dupuytren Foundation has a new address: 1732 S Congress Ave Suite # 348Palm Springs FL 33461 Phone 949-CURE-DUP (949-287-3387)FAX 561-828-0494email: I […]

2012: New Dupuytren’s Textbook Publication

Inspired by the exchange of new ideas at the 2010 International Symposium on Dupuytren’s Disease, the symposium’s faculty worked for a year and a half to publish a comprehensive textbook on Dupuytren’s disease. Dupuytren’s Disease and Related Hyperproliferative Disorders: Principles, Research, and Clinical Perspectives, published this year by Springer, covers the spectrum of issues from […]

Dr. Meinel presents a new concept of Dupuytren’s at the Miami Dupuytren Symposium

Dr. Albrecht Meinel, former chief of surgery for over 20 years at Tauberbischofsheim Hospital, Germany, shares his insights from a lifetime interest in Dupuytren’s contracture with the paradigm-shifting presentation “The palmar fibromatosis or the loss of flexibility of the palmar finger tissue. A new insight into the disease process of Dupuytren’s contracture based on clinical […]

Scientific breakthroughs at the Miami Dupuytren Symposium

It’s been a few months since the 2010 International Symposium on Dupuytren’s Disease in Miami, FL. This was a huge undertaking – the first meeting of this scope and magnitude in 20 years, showcasing some incredible new developments. There was so much material presented that it’s taking a while to sort through things, but work […]

Miami International Dupuytren Symposium Breaks New Ground

Medical researchers and physicians from 15 countries converge May 22 and 23 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Miami for an intensive two day summit on Dupuytren’s Disease: Dupuytren’s disease is a progressive condition which gradually curls the fingers permanently into the palm. It is estimated that 3 to 9 million Americans have bent fingers […]

A personal look at Dupuytren’s

A family physician remembers his late father’s Dupuytren’s and muses on options for treatment: The observation “…in his final years he was wearied by the thought of ‘another procedure’ or treatment and decided to live with the condition” is a telling testimony for the need for better treatment options and the need to support […]

Botox and Dupuytren’s

The holy grail of treating Dupuytren’s contracture is “disease modification”: how to stop progression or recurrence in a safe, nontoxic way? Three articles hint at the tantalizing possibility of the use of Botox (botulinum toxin) for Dupuytren’s. Botox includes two classes of enzymes which affect two different biologic systems. The first enzyme, which made Botox […]