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Medline Title Search (Dupuytren + (DHDH gene or Dihydrodiol Dehydrogenase))

Selected Publications

    • Andrzej Z, Piotr P. (2015). “Hand Disorders Associated with Diabetes : A Review” 81: 191–96. (PDF)
    • Larsen S, Krogsgaard DG, Larsen L Aagaard, Iachina M, Skytthe a, Frederiksen H. (2014). “Genetic and Environmental Influences in Dupuytren’s Disease: A Study of 30,330 Danish Twin Pairs.” The Journal of Hand Surgery, European Volume, May.  (PDF)
    • Zyluk A, Debniak T, Puchalski P. (2013). “Common Variants of the ALDH2 and DHDH Genes and the Risk of Dupuytren’s Disease.” Journal Article. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 38 (4): 430–34. (PDF)
    • Zyluk Andrzej, Paszkowska-Szczur Katarzyna, Gupta Satish, Scott Rodney J, Lubiński Jan, Dębniak Tadeusz. (2014). “Dupuytren’s Disease and the Risk of Malignant Neoplasms.” Article. Hered. Cancer Clin. Pract. 12 (1): 6. (PDF)