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Medline Title Search (Dupuytren + (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor or EGFR))

Selected Publications

  • Magro G, Lanteri E, Micali G, Paravizzini G, Travali S, Lanzafame S. (1997). “Myofibroblasts of Palmar Fibromatosis Co-Express Transforming Growth Factor-Alpha and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor.” Journal Article. J Pathol 181 (2): 213–17. (PDF)
  • Augoff K, Kula J, Gosk J, Rutowski R. (2005). “Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Disease,” 2003–6. (PDF)
  • Augoff K, Tabo RA, Kula J, Gosk J, Rutowski R. (2005). “Epidermal Growth Factor in Dupuytren’s Disease,” 2003–6. (PDF)
  • Carvalhana G, Auquit-Auckbur I, Milliez PY. (2011). “Dupuytren’s Disease: State of Knowledge and Research in Physiopathology.” Chirurgie de La Main 30 (4): 239–45. (PDF)
  • Krause C, Kloen P. (2012). “ Concurrent Inhibition of TGF-Beta and Mitogen Driven Signaling Cascades in Dupuytren’s Disease – Non-Surgical Treatment Strategies from a Signaling Point of View .” Journal Article. Med Hypotheses 78 (3): 38–385. (PDF)
  • Xie H, Pallero Ma, Gupta K, Chang P, Ware MF, Witke W, Kwiatkowski DJ, Lauffenburger Da, Murphy-Ullrich JE, Wells a. (1998). “EGF Receptor Regulation of Cell Motility: EGF Induces Disassembly of Focal Adhesions Independently of the Motility-Associated PLCgamma Signaling Pathway.” Journal of Cell Science 111 ( Pt 5 (0021–9533 (Print)): 615–24. (PDF)
  • Wang L, Liu N, Xiong C, Xu L, Shi Y, Qiu A, Zang X, Mao H, Zhuang S. (2016). “Inhibition of EGF Receptor Blocks the Development and Progression of Peritoneal Fibrosis.” Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 27 (9): 2631–44. (PDF)
  • Liu N, Wang L, et al. (2015). “EGF Receptor Inhibition Alleviates Hyperuricemic Nephropathy.” Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 26 (11): 2716–29. (PDF)