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Medline Title Search (Dupuytren + (Immune or “T cell” or “B cell” or “Mast cell” or “white cell” or eosinophil))

Selected Publications

    • Burch PR. (1966). “Dupuytren’s Contracture: An Auto-Immune Disease?” The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British Volume 48 (2): 312–19. (PDF)
    • Karkampouna S, Kreulen M, Obdeijn MC, Kloen P, Dorjée AL, Rivellese F, Chojnowski A, Clark I, Kruithof-de Julio Marianna. (2016). “Connective Tissue Degeneration: Mechanisms of Palmar Fascia Degeneration (Dupuytren’s Disease).” Current Molecular Biology Reports, 133–40. (PDF)
    • Mayerl Christina, Del Frari Barbara, Parson Walther, Boeck Guenther, Piza-Katzer Hildegunde, Wick Georg, Wolfram Dolores. (2016). “Characterisation of the Inflammatory Response in Dupuytren’s Disease.” Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery 6764 (February): 1–9. (PDF)
    • Plander M, Salamon A, Toldy E, Kiss G, Kovacs GL. (2008). “Cellular Immune Response in Dupuytren’s Disease.” Biochemia Medica 18 (2): 193–200. (PDF)
    • Rehman Samrina, Goodacre Royston, Day Philip J, Bayat Ardeshir, Westerhoff Hans V. (2011). “Dupuytren’s: A Systems Biology Disease.” Arthritis Research & Therapy 13 (5): 238. (PDF)
    • Rehman Samrina, Salway Fiona, Stanley John K, Ollier William ER, Day Philip, Bayat Ardeshir. (2008). “Molecular Phenotypic Descriptors of Dupuytren’s Disease Defined Using Informatics Analysis of the Transcriptome.” The Journal of Hand Surgery 33 (3): 359–72. (PDF)
    • Wick Georg, Backovic Aleksandar, Rabensteiner Evelyn, Plank Nadine, Schwentner Christian, Sgonc Roswitha. (2010). “The Immunology of Fibrosis: Innate and Adaptive Responses.” Trends in Immunology 31 (3). Elsevier Ltd: 110–19. (PDF)

T and B Cells

    • Baird K, Alwan WH, Crossan JF, Wojciak B. (1993). “T-Cell-Mediated Response in Dupuytren’s Disease.” Lancet 341 (June 26): 1622–23. (PDF)
    • Gudmundsson KG, Arngrímsson R, Arinbjarnarson S, Olafsson A, Jonsson T. (1998). “T-and B-Lymphocyte Subsets in Patients with Dupuytren’s Disease. Correlations with Disease Severity.” Journal of Hand Surgery (Edinburgh, Scotland) 23 (6): 724–27. (PDF)
    • Kumari Sudha. (2014). “T Cell Antigen Receptor Activation and Actin Cytoskeleton Remodeling.” Biochim Biophys Acta 29 (6): 997–1003. (PDF)

Langerhans Cells

    • Qureshi FI, Hornigold R, Spencer JD, Hall SM. (2001). “ Langerhans Cells in Dupuytren’s Contracture .” J Hand Surg Br 26 (4): 37–362. (PDF)

Mast Cells

    • Berglund Maria E, Hildebrand Kevin a, Zhang Mei, Hart David a, Wiig Monica E. (2010). “Neuropeptide, Mast Cell, and Myofibroblast Expression after Rabbit Deep Flexor Tendon Repair.” The Journal of Hand Surgery 35 (11). (PDF)
    • Gailit J, Marchese MJ, Kew RR, Gruber BL. (2001). “The Differentiation and Function of Myofibroblasts Is Regulated by Mast Cell Mediators.” The Journal of Investigative Dermatology 117 (5): 1113–19. (PDF)
    • Inoue Y, King TE, Tinkle SS, Dockstader K, Newman LS. (1996). “Human Mast Cell Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor in Pulmonary Fibrotic Disorders.” The American Journal of Pathology 149 (6): 2037–54. (PDF)
    • Qu Zhenhong, Liebler Janice M, Powers Michael R, Galey Ted, Ahmadi Proochista, Huang Xiao-na, Ansel John C, Butterfield Joseph H. (1995). “Short Communication Mast Cells Are a Major Source of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor in Chronic Inflammation” 147 (3): 564–73. (PDF)
    • Schubert TEO, Weidler C, Borisch N, Schubert C, Hofstädter F, Straub RH. (2006). “Dupuytren’s Contracture Is Associated with Sprouting of Substance P Positive Nerve Fibres and Infiltration by Mast Cells.” Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 65 (3): 414–15. (PDF)


    • Brown JJ, Ollier W, Thomson W, Bayat A. (2008). “Positive Association of HLA-DRB1*15 with Dupuytren’s Disease in Caucasians.” Tissue Antigens 72 (2): 166–70. (PDF)
    • Jónsson T, Gudmundsson KG, Bjarnadóttir K, Hjálmarsdótti IB, Gudmundsson S, Arngrímsson R. (2013). “Association of HLA-DRB1*01 with Dupuytren’s Disease.” Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 42 (1): 45–47. (PDF)
    • McCarty Sara, Syed Farhatullah, Bayat Ardeshir. (2010). “Role of the HLA System in the Pathogenesis of Dupuytren’s Disease.” Hand (New York, N.Y.) 5 (3): 241–50. (PDF)
    • Menzel EJ, J Neumuller, Rietsch A, Millesi H. (1994). “Connective Tissue Autoantibodies in Dupuytren’s Disease : Associations with HLA DR3.” In Berger A, Delbruck A, Brenner P, Hinzmann (Eds) Dupuytren’s Disease Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Management Springer-Verlag Berlin, 49–61. (PDF)
    • Neumüller Josef, Menzel Johannes, Millesi Hanno. (1994). “Prevalence of HLA-DR3 and Autoantibodies to Connective Tissue Components in Dupuytren’s Contracture.” Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology 71 (2): 142–48. (PDF)
    • Noguchi Hisashi, Kephart Gail M, Colby Thomas V, Gleich Gerald J. (1992). “Tissue Eosinophilia and Eosinophil Degranulation in Syndromes Associated with Fibrosis.” Am J Pathol 140 (2): 521–28. (PDF)
    • Schubert TE, Weidler C, Borisch N, Schubert C, Hofstadter F, Straub RH. (2006). “Dupuytren’s Contracture Is Associated with Sprouting of Substance P Positive Nerve Fibres and Infiltration by Mast Cells.” Ann Rheum Dis 65 (3): 414–15. (PDF)


    • Menzel EJ, J Neumuller, Rietsch A, Millesi H. (1994). “Connective Tissue Autoantibodies in Dupuytren’s Disease : Associations with HLA DR3.” In Berger A, Delbruck A, Brenner P, Hinzmann (Eds) Dupuytren’s Disease Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Management Springer-Verlag Berlin, 49–61. (PDF)
    • Neumüller Josef, Menzel Johannes, Millesi Hanno. (1994). “Prevalence of HLA-DR3 and Autoantibodies to Connective Tissue Components in Dupuytren’s Contracture.” Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology 71 (2): 142–48. (PDF)


    • Patel M, Freeman NR, Dhaliwal S, Wright N, Daoud Y, Ryan C, Dibella a V, Menter a. (2014). “The Prevalence of Dupuytren Contractures in Patients with Psoriasis.” Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 39 (8): 894–99. (PDF)


  • Bower M, Nelson M, Gazzard BG. (1990). “Dupuytren’s Contractures in Patients Infected with HIV.” BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.) 300 (6718): 164–65. (PDF)
  • French PD, Kitchen VS, Harris JRW. (1990). “Prevalence of Dupuytren’s Contracture in Patients Infected with HIV.” Br J Med 301 (6758): 967. (PDF)