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Medline Title Search (Dupuytren + Compar*)

Selected Publications

  • Atroshi I, Strandberg E, Lauritzson A, Ahlgren E, Waldén M. Costs forcollagenase injections compared with fasciectomy in the treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open. (2014) Jan 15;4(1):e004166. (PDF)
  • Binhammer P. Comparative Outcomes of Dupuytren Disease Treatment. Hand Clin.(2018) Aug;34(3):377-386. (PDF)
  • CADTH. Needle or Open Fasciotomy for Dupuytren’s Contracture: A Review of the Comparative Efficacy, Safety, and Cost-Effectiveness – An Update.Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; (2013) Nov 11.Available from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK195701/PubMed PMID: 24741726. (PDF)
  • Mehta S, Belcher HJ. A single-centre cost comparison analysis of collagenase injection versus surgical fasciectomy for Dupuytren’s contracture of the hand. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. (2014) Mar;67(3):368-72. (PDF)
  • Muppavarapu RC, Waters MJ, Leibman MI, Belsky MR, Ruchelsman DE. Clinical outcomes following collagenase injections compared to fasciectomy in the treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture. Hand (N Y). (2015) Jun;10(2):260-5. (PDF)
  • Naam NH. Functional outcome of collagenase injections compared with fasciectomy in treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture. Hand (N Y). (2013) Dec;8(4):410-6. (PDF)
  • Nydick JA, Olliff BW, Garcia MJ, Hess AV, Stone JD. A comparison of percutaneous needle fasciotomy and collagenase injection for dupuytren disease. J Hand Surg Am. (2013) Dec;38(12):2377-80. (PDF)
  • Povlsen B, Povlsen SD. What is the better treatment for single digit dupuytren’s contracture: surgical release or collagenase clostridium histolyticum (Xiapex) injection? Hand Surg. (2014);19(3):389-92. (PDF)
  • Raisanen MP, Karjalainen T, Göransson H, Reito A, Kautiainen H, Malmivaara A, Leppänen OV. DupuytrEn Treatment EffeCtiveness Trial (DETECT): a protocol for prospective, randomised, controlled, outcome assessor-blinded, three-armed parallel 1:1:1, multicentre trial comparing the effectiveness and cost of collagenase clostridium histolyticum, percutaneous needle fasciotomy and limited fasciectomy as short-term and long-term treatment strategies in Dupuytren’s contracture. BMJ Open. (2018) Mar 28;8(3):e019054. (PDF)
  • Scherman P, Jenmalm P, Dahlin LB. Three-year recurrence of Dupuytren’s contracture after needle fasciotomy and collagenase injection: a two-centre randomized controlled trial. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. (2018) Oct;43(8):836-840 (PDF)
  • Soreide E, Murad MH, Denbeigh JM, Lewallen EA, Dudakovic A, Nordsletten L,van Wijnen AJ, Kakar S. Treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture. Bone Joint J. (2018) Sep;100-B(9):1138-1145. (PDF)
  • Stromberg J, Ibsen Sörensen A, Fridén J. Percutaneous Needle Fasciotomy Versus Collagenase Treatment for Dupuytren Contracture: A Randomized Controlled Trial with a Two-Year Follow-up. J Bone Joint Surg Am. (2018) Jul 5;100(13):1079-1086. (PDF)
  • Tay TK, Tien H, Lim EY. Comparison between Collagenase Injection and Partial Fasciectomy in the Treatment of Dupuytren’s Contracture. Hand Surg. (2015) Oct;20(3):386-90. (PDF)
  • Toppi JT, Trompf L, Smoll NR, Lim V, Smith K, Findlay MW, Hunter-Smith DJ. Dupuytren’s contracture: an analysis of outcomes of percutaneous needle fasciotomy versus open fasciectomy. ANZ J Surg. (2015) Sep;85(9):639-43. (PDF)
  • Zhou C, Hovius SER, Pieters AJ, Slijper HP, Feitz R, Selles RW. Comparative Effectiveness of Needle Aponeurotomy and Collagenase Injection for Dupuytren’s Contracture: A Multicenter Study. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. (2017) Sep 25;5(9):e1425. (PDF)
  • Zhou C, Selles RW, Slijper HP, Feitz R, van Kooij Y, Moojen TM, Hovius SE. Comparative Effectiveness of Percutaneous Needle Aponeurotomy and Limited Fasciectomy for Dupuytren’s Contracture: A Multicenter Observational Study. Plast Reconstr Surg. (2016) Oct;138(4):837-46. (PDF)
  • Zhou C, Hovius SE, Slijper HP, Feitz R, Van Nieuwenhoven CA, Pieters AJ, Selles RW. Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum versus Limited Fasciectomy for Dupuytren’s Contracture: Outcomes from a Multicenter Propensity Score Matched Study. Plast Reconstr Surg. (2015) Jul;136(1):87-97. (PDF)