While researchers look through the microscope at the cellular biology of Dupuytren’s, surgeons look for clues using the fish eye lens of demographic observations. Who is at risk? What family, lifestyle, medication and medical condition issues affect the incidence and magnitude of Dupuytren’s? There is a long history of these questions and observations. A typical report from over 50 years ago reviews issues which are still worth considering: “Dupuytren’s Contracture” (full text: https://dupuytrens.org/DupPDFs/1948_Gordon_1409.pdf) outlines the contribution of family history, occupation, location of involvement, gender and age to Dupuytren’s, as well as descriptions of sympathetic dystrophy mimicking Dupuytren’s (“acute form”), complications of surgery and difficulties with therapy after surgery. Time has passed, but so much is the same, reminding us that none of these issues will change until we find a cure.