Dupuytren Disease is a global problem. At least 10 million Americans and many more worldwide have one or more fingers bent from Dupuytren contracture. Many more have early-stage Dupuytren disease which has not yet progressed enough to bend the fingers. One-quarter of senior white men have some evidence of Dupuytren disease in their hands.
Dupuytren Disease is a family problem. Family history studies strongly suggest that Dupuytren disease is genetic. The strongest risk factor for developing Dupuytren disease is having a parent or sibling with the condition. Severe disease is more likely if both parents are affected. The genetic link may lead to better treatment options, but so far, a culprit gene has not been identified.
Dupuytren disease is a personal problem. The severity of Dupuytren disease varies considerably from person to person. Because of this, the only way to tell how well a treatment works is to study the stories of many people. This is why our research goal is to enroll 10,000 people with Dupuytren disease and 1000 more people without Dupuytren disease. Data on this scale is needed to solve the mystery of Dupuytren biology and make progress to a cure. This research is about you: make this research possible by enrolling in the International Dupuytren Data Bank.
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Recent Dupuytren Publications
- Raynaud's Phenomenon After Fasciectomy for Dupuytren's Contracture: A Case Report
- Readability of the Most Commonly Used Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Hand Surgery
- Effects of postoperative hand therapy in patients with Dupuytren's disease : A prospective hyperspectral imaging study
- Assessing the ability of ChatGPT to generate French patient-facing information to improve patient understanding in hand surgery
- Treatment of Severe Dupuytren Disease in Two Steps: Progressive Distraction With External Fixator and Percutaneous Needle Fasciotomy