Xiaflex is now available, and is generating reports by both traditional writers and self published social media authors. There are now two minimally invasive treatments for contractures due to Dupuytren’s disease – Xiaflex injection and needle aponeurotomy – with relative advantages and disadvantages of each. The following video was made by a Dupuytren’s patient, documenting experience with needle aponeurotomy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGD9RjmFBzo. Another person’s documentary experience with Xiaflex, also with videos, is posted here: http://bit.ly/9RhqQA. Their experiences were different, but both are satisfied with their results. Every hand is different and no one treatment works for everyone, but it’s great that there are new options to choose from to buy time while researchers work for a cure. The Dupuytren Foundation is actively recruiting volunteers and fund raising options to develop better treatments – and eventually a cure. Support the effort. Make a difference. http://www.DupuytrenFoundation.org