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Dupuytren in the Family: What are the Odds?

  Dupuytren disease is genetic. It runs in families – but how? It depends on ancestry, age, gender, and relatives. Not everyone with Dupuytren has bent fingers. Dupuytren disease is any Dupuytren changes of the palms. Nodules, puckered skin, or cords are all signs of Dupuytren disease. Dupuytren contracture is Dupuytren disease plus bent fingers. The graphic […]

Happy Birthday, Dupuytren, and Thanks for the Name!

Happy Dupuytren Day! Guillaume Dupuytren, the famous surgeon, was born on 5 October 1777. He would have been 246 years old today. If he were alive now, there’s a good chance he’d have the disease named after himself. Why is it called Dupuytren disease or Dupuytren contracture? Most medical disorders are named in one of […]

Happy Holidays from DRG

When we all lend a hand helping the community we improve everyone’s quality of life. Best wishes in this holiday season from the Dupuytren Research Group

Happy 2020 Valentine’s Day from the DRG

Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s a day to embrace all the joy that love brings to life. A day to pause and reflect on the mystery of love …and biomarkers. Love and biomarkers? Absolutely! Love is so hard to describe in words. People try with different languages, metaphors, imagery, poems, songs, and increasingly, with molecules – […]

Ten Things to Know About Dupuytren

There are many reasons to know about Dupuytren disease. Ten of them are on your hands. When wanted to know more about Dupuytren disease, they reached out to the Dupuytren Research Group. See the Healthgrades Dupuytren review Dupuytren’s Contracture: 10 Things Doctors Want You to Know featuring Dupuytren specialists on the Dupuytren Research Group […]

The Importance of Dupuytren Stories

The story depends on the storyteller. For nearly two centuries, the only narrators of the story of Dupuytren have been doctors and therapists. The public face of Dupuytren was limited either to what was easy to describe (measuring finger angles) or to technical details relevant to surgery. It was a narrow tunnel vision about what […]

Happy Birthday, Dupuytren!

Today Would Have Been Dupuytren’s Birthday Guillaume Dupuytren (10/5/1777 – 2/8/1835) was born on this day in Pierre-Buffières, France. He excelled in anatomic studies and was appointed assistant surgeon at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris at the age of 26. He rose to the position of head surgeon at the Hôtel-Dieu and remained so until his […]

Women with Dupuytren disease

Women with Dupuytren Disease A traditional Dupuytren narrative is that Dupuytren is primarily a painless nuisance problem of bent fingers in old men. This perception does a disservice to many. Not only is Dupuytren common in women, it may also present a unique burden to women. Updating the traditional narrative is central to raising awareness […]

2018 Father’s Day

Father’s Day is this weekend! Fathers pass on so many things to their children – wisdom, bad jokes, and sometimes Dupuytren disease. Over half of people with Dupuytren disease know a family member with Dupuytren. Dupuytren Celebrities  This Father’s Day, these celebrities share their experiences with Dupuytren in their families. Joe Bonsall, country music legend […]

Survey Results: Dupuytren Triggers

The December 2017 Sixty Second Survey on Dupuytren Triggers was the most data-packed survey to date. This survey focused on a simple-sounding question: is the onset of Dupuytren disease triggered by an external event such as injury, physical activity, medication, or emotional stress? Almost 40 percent of those taking the survey believed that some event […]