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One Dup, Two Dup, Red Dup, Blue Dup

So much is known about Dupuytren; much more needs to be known. Dupuytren probably isn’t one single diagnosis or one single disease. It’s the end result of overlapping causes. It’s a late effect of many possible causes, the same way similar looking scars can be the late effects of different injuries – cuts, burns, blunt trauma and […]

Dupuytren Triggers: 60 second survey

Dupuytren Triggers Yes, that’s a picture of Roy Roger’s horse, Trigger. You might not have been expecting that. Dupuytren also shows up unexpectedly. People have normal hands, and then they don’t. Many feel the problem came out of nowhere. Others may recall some event happening around the same time as Dupuytren first appeared and conclude […]

Dupuytren and Handwriting

Does Dupuytren affect your handwriting or how you write? Yes or no, we’d love to know! Take the short survey: – it will take less than 60 seconds. Results will be released next week. Please repost/retweet! Thanks – Charles Eaton MD