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There’s Still Time!

There’s still time before the end of this year. 

There’s still time to reflect on the growing momentum in research for a Dupuytren cure. 2019 has been a breakthrough year for the Dupuytren Research Group promoting awareness and conducting research to find cures for Dupuytren disease and related conditions.

There’s still time to enroll in the International Dupuytren Data Bank.

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There’s still time for some truly awesome news this week: emails are going out right now to invite selected enrollees in the International Dupuytren Data Bank to participate in the IDDB Dupuytren biomarker blood test research pilot study. Thanks to you, this has begun!

There’s still time to help complete this research. Lab tests will generate more than 30 terabytes of raw data from gene- and protein-related laboratory blood tests. For perspective, a 30-terabyte book would be over two billion pages long. We need to fund bioinformatics data scientists to analyze this data. We’re fundraising this year to make this happen next year.

There’s still time to save money – for you! Remind family and friends who are 70½ or older: they can save on 2019 taxes by rolling over as much as $100,000 from an IRA to a nonprofit like the Dupuytren Research Group.


[ale_button url=”” style=”light-blue” size=”small” type=”round” target=”_blank”] Please give now: There’s still time to support Dupuytren research this year! [/ale_button]

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