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2017 List of Dupuytren Research Group Donors

Donations directly fund work to find a cure for Dupuytren disease and related conditions.
Our sincere thanks to those who continue to make this work possible through generous contributions during the year 2017. Thank you for your trust and for your support.

Contributions up to $250

Tony Achilleos
Rudy Adamek
John Ake
Patricia Alexander
Iris Anderson
AON Foundation
Dan Arildson
Susan Atkinson
Glenn Auerbach
George Ayers, Jr.
Karen Baldwin
Nancy Barclay
Sandra F. Barnes
Clifford Barr
Susan Barthel
John Batchelor
Carolyn Becker
Dr. Kostia Bergman
Ken Bernstein
Betty S. & Robert B. Frank Charitable Foundation
John Blades
Robert Blake
Philip E Blazar
Evelyn Bolwell
Mary H. Bonczkowski
Norman Booth
Linda Borgeson
Robert Boyke
Ched Bradley
John Brantley III
Brad Brokop
Susan Mary Brown
Michele Brown
Doris Buchanan
David Budworth
Paul Roy Bunney
Sarah Bush
Timothy Byrd
Cynthia Campfield
John Stephen & Denise Cargill
Jay Walter Carlson
Gregory Catrett
David L Cattell
George Chesrow
Fred Church
Michael W Clayton
Michael Cohalan
Toni Ann Cohan
Yvette Cohen
Steven Collins
Maurizio Compagnoni
Randi Conley
Connected Research & Consulting, LLC
Carole Connor
Jules Cousins
Debra Craig
Gary Andrew Craine
Charles B. Cuono
Karen Curran
Marilyn H. David, Esq.
Cathy R Davis
Gloria Derby
Patsy Devine
Rosemary T. Dey
Diane Harris and Richard Cleverly
Veronica A. Diaz
Susan Dienes
Francisco Dos Ramos Alvarado
Barbara Anne Drake
Bob Duckman
Gail Dugdell
Michael Duzak
Susan Dvora
Kent Eric Eknes
Karen Ellingson
Jeffrey Ellis
Floyd Everhart
James Ewoldsen
Elizabeth Farcht
David Ferm
Kathryn Fields
Richard Bruce Finazzo
Darlene FlaniganRobert Follweiler
Nancy Fountain
Avrum Froimson
Ed Fruth
Janice Faye Garcia
Patty P Geary
Susan Marie Genie
Roy Goodwin
Google Charitable Fund
Nancy Gould
Joe Graham
Sebastian Groza
Todd Gunderson
William Hale
Robert Hall
Andrea Hansen
Fred Harkness
David Hart
Thomas Haverty
Michael Helbein
Sheri Herron
Harold K. Higgins
Myron Hilbert
Chris Hilbert
Tully John Hill
Ralf Hilpuesch
Bernhard G Hinteregger
Kenneth Hirsch
David Hopkins
Patricia Ruth Hotze
Mike Hyten
Debbie Inlow
Marie Ippolito
Kim Reso Iskandar
Louise Jesserer
Diana Johnson
Thomas F. Jordan
Regina Kaisor
Robert Kantak
Roger Kaplan
William and MyraLynne Karniol
Victor Kasser
Kelley Kays
Karan Kearns
Steven Kelly
Lynn D. Ketchum
Thomas Kiefhaber
Jane Kimbrell
Frank John Kotowski, Jr.
Michael Krajewski
Jeffrey Spencer Kravet
Robert Lattanzio
Melanie Lawson
Richard Learner
Patricia Ledford
Honey Lewis
Pamela Lombardo
Susan Lorenz
Ronald Macklin
James Madsen
Tom Mahony
Marilyn Mann
Betsy Mascaro
Nichole Massarello
Robert McChesney
Patrick Thomas McCulloch
James McGrath
Robert McKelvey
Ann Marie McMahon
Larry W. Medlock
Judith Meloling Donaldson
Michael Menery
Karen LeCompte Merrifield
Maureen Miller
Candace Moore
Barbara Moskowitz
James Murray
Dean Nasser
Herbert Nicolson
Robert Niesen
Seymour Novak
William O’Loughlin
Beverly Olsen
Mark Onstott
Kathy Ortman
Marjorie Oster-Feliu
Glenn Paiano
Scott Parker
James Parks
Leslie Payne
Margaret E. Perry
Kathy Peterson
Julie Cindy Phillips
Buz and Kasia Piercey
Mary Pokorne
Michael Pomerantz
Norman Portnoy
Thomas Quinn
W. Bradley Rackow
Ellen Radliff
Kenneth Rarick
Bonita Reishus
Bruno Risatti
Karen Risley
Carole Ellen Rittenberg
Susan Rivers
Phyllis Robbins
Melody Roelke-Parker
Carol Rosenbach Knapp
Leslie Wieslander Rosenthal
Wayne Ross
Edwin Ryan
Terry D Sailor
Virginia Sappington
Jo Michele Savage
Monica Savland
Hans Scott
Calvin Shain, Jr.
Kathryn Shands
Carol Shannon
Neil Shapiro
Jeanne Sheldon
Dave Shigekawa
Daniel Shuster
Clarence Sikes
Daniel Skoch
Franc Sloan
James Smetzer
Alison Smith
Joseph Smith
Lori Jeanenne Smith-Patrick
Christine Stern
Roderick Sturgeon
Jan Sturla
Gregory Sutton
Gary Swanson
Tom Tate
Michael Boniface Thielen
Robert Tiernay
Laura Toner
Barton Tretheway
Ellen Van Arsdale
Dale Vandergriff
Bob Varden
Joseph M. Waronka
Ira Greg Warshaw
Dawn Werner
Thomas White
Eric White
Daphne Whitman
Barbara Willey
Blake Wilson
John Witherspoon
Jeffrey Wright
Yunfei Wu
Beverly Yates
Bekir Zeher
William Zolg


Contributions of $250 up to $1000

Association of Forensic Document Examiners
Amazon Smile
Michael Joseph Augustine
Brent Bamberger
Carol G. Barton
Benevity Fund
Thomas Binger
David Cannon
Karen Connolly
Nancy Cravens
Roberta Decker
Karen DiVerdi
Norman Frisbie
Stephen Ganong
Warren C. Hammert
Sherwood Harrington
Timothy Hoffman
Timothy Huber
Linda Hutson
Abram Kirschenbaum
Barbara Klipper
Richard Komatsu
Michael and Marie Madej
Brandy Maitland
Patrick Marrano
Chris May
Marjorie May
Richard E McCluskey
James McConnell
Chris Mulligan
Jack Nagel
Leonard Scott Nowinski
William Clark Randall
Robert and Marilyn Van Demark Family Charitable Fund
Carey Roessel
Anne Schooley
Elizabeth Ann Shannon
Russell A. Shatford
Susan Skilling
Julia Smart
Connie Brust Stahl
Timothy Taebel
Stan Tenenbaum
Dan Thomas
United Way of Rhode Island
Homer Vann Parker
Wells Family Fund
David A. Young
Constance Zalk


Contributions of $1000 up to $10,000

David and Denise Elyanow
Mary E Andrews-Kulis
Don Bizek
Richard Borden
Jimmy L. Borger
Andrea Buchanan
Shannon Carey
Nancy Crecelius
Keith Denkler
Margery Eaton
Daniel Fay
Dean Fogel
Eric Forman
David Gass
GE Foundation
Gold Eagle Consulting INC
Jeffrey Harger
J. M. Smith Foundation
Philip Johnson
Johnson and Johnson Matching Gifts Program
Paul Kerwin
Tom L. Knapp
Jo Ann Ellenson Lieberman
Matthew May
Carolyn May
Jeffrey May
Kathy McKinley
Matthew Norman Morano
Ralpha Staeger Newton
Gary Pess
Bert I. Pollan
Joan Rosenbach
Sally Langdon Barefoot Foundation
Anita Stafford
Earl D. Stewart Jr.
The Romney Foundation for Children


Contributions of $10,000 to $50,000

Charles Eaton
James M Hall
Laura Holmes-Jost
Bruce Peterson
James Pollan


Contributions of $50,000 or more



Please make a contribution right now or contact us to learn how you can support the effort to find a cure.

Dupuytren Research Group
Dupuytren Research Group
1850 Forest Hill Blvd STE 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33406-6064
Phone 561-429-8279
FAX 561-828-0494
Contact by email

The Dupuytren Research Group is a 501(c)3 Public Charity, ID 26-3886958 for tax-deductible donations.

2017 List of Dupuytren Research Group Donors

Donations directly fund work to find a cure for Dupuytren disease and related conditions.
Our sincere thanks to those who continue to make this work possible through generous contributions during the year 2017. Thank you for your trust and for your support.

Contributions up to $250

Tony Achilleos
Rudy Adamek
John Ake
Patricia Alexander
Iris Anderson
AON Foundation
Dan Arildson
Susan Atkinson
Glenn Auerbach
George Ayers, Jr.
Karen Baldwin
Nancy Barclay
Sandra F. Barnes
Clifford Barr
Susan Barthel
John Batchelor
Carolyn Becker
Dr. Kostia Bergman
Ken Bernstein
Betty S. & Robert B. Frank Charitable Foundation
John Blades
Robert Blake
Philip E Blazar
Evelyn Bolwell
Mary H. Bonczkowski
Norman Booth
Linda Borgeson
Robert Boyke
Ched Bradley
John Brantley III
Brad Brokop
Susan Mary Brown
Michele Brown
Doris Buchanan
David Budworth
Paul Roy Bunney
Sarah Bush
Timothy Byrd
Cynthia Campfield
John Stephen & Denise Cargill
Jay Walter Carlson
Gregory Catrett
David L Cattell
George Chesrow
Fred Church
Michael W Clayton
Michael Cohalan
Toni Ann Cohan
Yvette Cohen
Steven Collins
Maurizio Compagnoni
Randi Conley
Connected Research & Consulting, LLC
Carole Connor
Jules Cousins
Debra Craig
Gary Andrew Craine
Charles B. Cuono
Karen Curran
Marilyn H. David, Esq.
Cathy R Davis
Gloria Derby
Patsy Devine
Rosemary T. Dey
Diane Harris and Richard Cleverly
Veronica A. Diaz
Susan Dienes
Francisco Dos Ramos Alvarado
Barbara Anne Drake
Bob Duckman
Gail Dugdell
Michael Duzak
Susan Dvora
Kent Eric Eknes
Karen Ellingson
Jeffrey Ellis
Floyd Everhart
James Ewoldsen
Elizabeth Farcht
David Ferm
Kathryn Fields
Richard Bruce Finazzo
Darlene FlaniganRobert Follweiler
Nancy Fountain
Avrum Froimson
Ed Fruth
Janice Faye Garcia
Patty P Geary
Susan Marie Genie
Roy Goodwin
Google Charitable Fund
Nancy Gould
Joe Graham
Sebastian Groza
Todd Gunderson
William Hale
Robert Hall
Andrea Hansen
Fred Harkness
David Hart
Thomas Haverty
Michael Helbein
Sheri Herron
Harold K. Higgins
Myron Hilbert
Chris Hilbert
Tully John Hill
Ralf Hilpuesch
Bernhard G Hinteregger
Kenneth Hirsch
David Hopkins
Patricia Ruth Hotze
Mike Hyten
Debbie Inlow
Marie Ippolito
Kim Reso Iskandar
Louise Jesserer
Diana Johnson
Thomas F. Jordan
Regina Kaisor
Robert Kantak
Roger Kaplan
William and MyraLynne Karniol
Victor Kasser
Kelley Kays
Karan Kearns
Steven Kelly
Lynn D. Ketchum
Thomas Kiefhaber
Jane Kimbrell
Frank John Kotowski, Jr.
Michael Krajewski
Jeffrey Spencer Kravet
Robert Lattanzio
Melanie Lawson
Richard Learner
Patricia Ledford
Honey Lewis
Pamela Lombardo
Susan Lorenz
Ronald Macklin
James Madsen
Tom Mahony
Marilyn Mann
Betsy Mascaro
Nichole Massarello
Robert McChesney
Patrick Thomas McCulloch
James McGrath
Robert McKelvey
Ann Marie McMahon
Larry W. Medlock
Judith Meloling Donaldson
Michael Menery
Karen LeCompte Merrifield
Maureen Miller
Candace Moore
Barbara Moskowitz
James Murray
Dean Nasser
Herbert Nicolson
Robert Niesen
Seymour Novak
William O’Loughlin
Beverly Olsen
Mark Onstott
Kathy Ortman
Marjorie Oster-Feliu
Glenn Paiano
Scott Parker
James Parks
Leslie Payne
Margaret E. Perry
Kathy Peterson
Julie Cindy Phillips
Buz and Kasia Piercey
Mary Pokorne
Michael Pomerantz
Norman Portnoy
Thomas Quinn
W. Bradley Rackow
Ellen Radliff
Kenneth Rarick
Bonita Reishus
Bruno Risatti
Karen Risley
Carole Ellen Rittenberg
Susan Rivers
Phyllis Robbins
Melody Roelke-Parker
Carol Rosenbach Knapp
Leslie Wieslander Rosenthal
Wayne Ross
Edwin Ryan
Terry D Sailor
Virginia Sappington
Jo Michele Savage
Monica Savland
Hans Scott
Calvin Shain, Jr.
Kathryn Shands
Carol Shannon
Neil Shapiro
Jeanne Sheldon
Dave Shigekawa
Daniel Shuster
Clarence Sikes
Daniel Skoch
Franc Sloan
James Smetzer
Alison Smith
Joseph Smith
Lori Jeanenne Smith-Patrick
Christine Stern
Roderick Sturgeon
Jan Sturla
Gregory Sutton
Gary Swanson
Tom Tate
Michael Boniface Thielen
Robert Tiernay
Laura Toner
Barton Tretheway
Ellen Van Arsdale
Dale Vandergriff
Bob Varden
Joseph M. Waronka
Ira Greg Warshaw
Dawn Werner
Thomas White
Eric White
Daphne Whitman
Barbara Willey
Blake Wilson
John Witherspoon
Jeffrey Wright
Yunfei Wu
Beverly Yates
Bekir Zeher
William Zolg


Contributions of $250 up to $1000

Association of Forensic Document Examiners
Amazon Smile
Michael Joseph Augustine
Brent Bamberger
Carol G. Barton
Benevity Fund
Thomas Binger
David Cannon
Karen Connolly
Nancy Cravens
Roberta Decker
Karen DiVerdi
Norman Frisbie
Stephen Ganong
Warren C. Hammert
Sherwood Harrington
Timothy Hoffman
Timothy Huber
Linda Hutson
Abram Kirschenbaum
Barbara Klipper
Richard Komatsu
Michael and Marie Madej
Brandy Maitland
Patrick Marrano
Chris May
Marjorie May
Richard E McCluskey
James McConnell
Chris Mulligan
Jack Nagel
Leonard Scott Nowinski
William Clark Randall
Robert and Marilyn Van Demark Family Charitable Fund
Carey Roessel
Anne Schooley
Elizabeth Ann Shannon
Russell A. Shatford
Susan Skilling
Julia Smart
Connie Brust Stahl
Timothy Taebel
Stan Tenenbaum
Dan Thomas
United Way of Rhode Island
Homer Vann Parker
Wells Family Fund
David A. Young
Constance Zalk


Contributions of $1000 up to $10,000

David and Denise Elyanow
Mary E Andrews-Kulis
Don Bizek
Richard Borden
Jimmy L. Borger
Andrea Buchanan
Shannon Carey
Nancy Crecelius
Keith Denkler
Margery Eaton
Daniel Fay
Dean Fogel
Eric Forman
David Gass
GE Foundation
Gold Eagle Consulting INC
Jeffrey Harger
J. M. Smith Foundation
Philip Johnson
Johnson and Johnson Matching Gifts Program
Paul Kerwin
Tom L. Knapp
Jo Ann Ellenson Lieberman
Matthew May
Carolyn May
Jeffrey May
Kathy McKinley
Matthew Norman Morano
Ralpha Staeger Newton
Gary Pess
Bert I. Pollan
Joan Rosenbach
Sally Langdon Barefoot Foundation
Anita Stafford
Earl D. Stewart Jr.
The Romney Foundation for Children


Contributions of $10,000 to $50,000

Charles Eaton
James M Hall
Laura Holmes-Jost
Bruce Peterson
James Pollan


Contributions of $50,000 or more



Please make a contribution right now or contact us to learn how you can support the effort to find a cure.

Dupuytren Research Group
Dupuytren Research Group
1850 Forest Hill Blvd STE 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33406-6064
Phone 561-429-8279
FAX 561-828-0494
Contact by email

The Dupuytren Research Group is a 501(c)3 Public Charity, ID 26-3886958 for tax-deductible donations.