NHS Dupuytren Information

Dupuytren is complicated. Much of it is a mystery. Because it’s not understood, describing it makes me feel like a character in the parable of the blind men and the elephant. Seeing the Dupuytren brochure recently released by England’s National Health Service is a pleasant surprise. It summarizes information from publications, answers common questions, and […]

Happy Holidays from the Dupuytren Research Group!

The Dupuytren Research Group is headquartered in sandy West Palm Beach Florida. This is our area’s most visible celebration of the season: SandiLand, featuring the world’s only 35-foot, 700-ton holiday sand tree. It’s a large accomplishment. It took a lot of planning and many people working together – just like the research the Dupuytren Research […]

Dupuytren Awareness

Promoting Dupuytren awareness is a cornerstone of making progress toward a Dupuytren cure. The Dupuytren Research Group has been promoting Dupuytren awareness to patients and physicians for the last 10 years through social media, online videos, academic journal articles and textbooks, scientific conferences, and public awareness seminars. We’ve had limited television exposure because our financial […]

The Need for Nonprofit Medical Research

Why isn’t there a drug for Dupuytren already? You might hear that surgeons don’t want a Dupuytren cure because it’s so profitable – but take it from a hand surgeon: if Dupuytren disappeared today, surgeons would be happier than patients: no one will miss Dupuytren. So why isn’t there a drug to slow down or […]

DRG goes to Washington

On July 10th and 11th, the Dupuytren Research Group went to Washington DC. We visited offices of Congressional representatives and other organizations to raise awareness about the impact of Dupuytren disease and the need for federal funding of Dupuytren research. Right now, there are no federal funds directed specifically for Dupuytren research – not at […]

Ten Things to Know About Dupuytren

There are many reasons to know about Dupuytren disease. Ten of them are on your hands. When Healthgrades.com wanted to know more about Dupuytren disease, they reached out to the Dupuytren Research Group. See the Healthgrades Dupuytren review Dupuytren’s Contracture: 10 Things Doctors Want You to Know featuring Dupuytren specialists on the Dupuytren Research Group […]

Dupuytren research is rare disease research

Happy Rare Disease Day! Did you know that according to the US Government, Dupuytren is a rare disease? If you count everyone with any degree of Dupuytren disease, it’s fairly common. In the US alone, the number of Dupuytren sufferers projects to about 10 million people. But, if you ask the FDA, Dupuytren disease is a […]

Grants.gov: $0 for Dupuytren Research

Currently, there are no government grants for Dupuytren research. See for yourself: [ale_button url=”https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html?keywords=Dupuytren” style=”light-blue” size=”small” type=”round” target=”_blank”]Search Grants.gov for Dupuytren Research Funding[/ale_button] We’re working to change this. You should, too. If you have an idea you want to work on to help jumpstart government funding for Dupuytren Research, let us know! [ale_button url=”https://dupuytrens.org/contact-the-dupuytren-foundation/” style=”light-blue” […]

PrecisionFDA Dupuytren Blog

PrecisionFDA Dupuytren Blog PrecisionFDA https://precision.fda.gov/ is a US Government initiative designed to support cutting-edge genomic research and help researchers collaborate across the globe. As a member of PrecisionFDA, Dupuytren Research Group will use PrecisionFDA cloud hosting to allow authorized researchers around the world to collaborate and analyze data from the International Dupuytren Data Bank (IDDB). Data […]