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Dupuytren Literature: ADAM12 Gene &ADAM12

These materials are available for nonprofit educational use. This repository is allowed by copyright disclaimer under title 17, Appendix E, section 107 of the United States Copyright Act. Under this statute, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. As defined, fair use specifically applies to this repository.


  • Friedman SL, Sheppard D, Duffield JS, Violette S. Therapy for fibrotic diseases: nearing the starting line. Sci Transl Med 2013;5:167sr1. (PDF)
  • Sedic M, Pavelic SK, Hock K. Using functional genomics to identify drug targets: A dupuytren’s disease example. Methods Mol Biol 2012;910:15–31. (PDF)


  • Kawaguchi N, Sundberg C, Kveiborg M, Moghadaszadeh B, Asmar M, Dietrich N, et al. ADAM12 induces actin cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix reorganization during early adipocyte differentiation by regulating beta1 integrin function. J Cell Sci 2003;116:3893–904. (PDF)
  • Mosakhani N, Guled M, Lahti L, Borze I, Forsman M, Pääkkönen V, et al. Unique microRNA profile in Dupuytren’s contracture supports deregulation of ß-catenin pathway. Mod Pathol 2010;23:1544–52. (PDF)
  • Rehman S, Salway F, Stanley JK, Ollier WE, Day P, Bayat A. Molecular phenotypic descriptors of Dupuytren’s disease defined using informatics analysis of the transcriptome . J Hand Surg Am 2008; 33 :72–359. (PDF)
  • Shih B, Brown JJ, Armstrong DJ, Lindau T, Bayat A. Differential gene expression analysis of subcutaneous fat, fascia, and skin overlying a dupuytren’s disease nodule in comparison to control tissue. Hand 2009;4:294–301. (PDF)
  • Shih B, Wijeratne D, Armstrong DJ, Lindau T, Day P, Bayat A. Identification of Biomarkers in Dupuytren’s Disease by Comparative Analysis of Fibroblasts Versus Tissue Biopsies in Disease-Specific Phenotypes. J Hand Surg Am 2009;34:124–36. (PDF)
  • Skubitz KM, Skubitz APN. Gene expression in aggressive fibromatosis. J Lab Clin Med 2004;143:89–98. (PDF)
  • Vi L, Gan BS, O’Gorman D. ADAM12 effects on Dupuytren’s Disease cell morphology and cytoplasmic beta catenin accumulation require Type I IGF receptor tyrosine kinase activity. McGill J Med 2007:175. (PDF)