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Medline Title Search (Dupuytren + (Africa* or Black))

Selected Publications
Dupuytren and African Heritage

  • Aladin A, Oni JA. Bilateral Dupuytren’s contracture in a black patient. Int J Clin Pract. 2001;55(9):641-2. (PDF)
  • Coulibaly NF, Doumbia MM, Dembele B, Dia R, Fall MEK, Sane AD, et al. Dupuytren’s disease: A reality in Black Africa. Hand Surg Rehabil. 2020;39(5):448-53. (PDF)
  • Furnas DW. Dupuytren’s contractures in a black patient in East Africa. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1979;64(2):250-1. (PDF)
  • Gebereegziabher A, Baraki A, Kebede Y, Mohammed I, Finsen V. Dupuytren’s contracture in Ethiopia. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2017;42(1):26-8. (PDF)
  • Gonzalez MH, Sobeski J, Grindel S, Chunprapaph B, Weinzweig N. Dupuytren’s Disease in African-Americans. Journal of Hand Surgery. 1998;23(3):306-7. (PDF)
  • Hellwege JN, Torstenson ES, Russell SB, Edwards TL, Velez Edwards DR. Evidence of selection as a cause for racial disparities in fibroproliferative disease. PLoS One. 2017;12(8):e0182791. (PDF)
  • Mbuva R, Kigera J, Maru M, Mogire T, Oburu E. Dupuytren’s Diathesis in an African Male. Annals of African Surgery. 2016;13(2). (PDF)
  • Muguti GI, Appelt B. Dupuytren’s contracture in black Zimbabweans. Cent Afr J Med. 1993;39(6):129-32. (PDF)
  • Mennen U. Dupuytren’s Contracture in the Negro. The Journal of Hand Surgery: Journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand. 1986;11(1):61-4. (PDF)
  • Mitra A, Goldstein RY. Dupuytren’s contracture in the black population: a review. Ann Plast Surg. 1994;32(6):619-22. (PDF)
  • Noumedem B, Teboul F, Dubert T. Dupuytren’s Disease: First Cases in Central Africa. Can Low Life Expectancy Explain the Disease Low Prevalence in African Black Patients? EC Orthopaedics. 2018;9(2):71-4. (PDF)
  • Parra EJ, Marcini A, Akey J, Martinson J, Batzer MA, Cooper R, et al. Estimating African American admixture proportions by use of population-specific alleles. Am J Hum Genet. 1998;63(6):1839-51. (PDF)
  • Riesmeijer SA, Werker PMN, Nolte IM. Ethnic differences in prevalence of Dupuytren disease can partly be explained by known genetic risk variants. Eur J Hum Genet. 2019;27(12):1876-84. (PDF)
  • Saboeiro AP, Porkorny JJ, Shehadi SI, Virgo KS, Johnson FE. Racial distribution of Dupuytren’s disease in Department of Veterans Affairs patients. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2000;106(1):71-5. (PDF)
  • Sefeane TI, Mwangi PN. Incidence of Dupuytren’s disease in Africans: A report of 48 new cases and a literature review. SA Orthopaedic Journal. 2017;16(2). (PDF)
  • Sladicka MS, Benfanti P, Raab M, Becton J. Dupuytren’s contracture in the black population: a case report and review of the literature. J Hand Surg Am. 1996;21(5):898-9. 
  • Weinstein AL, Haddock NT, Sharma S. Dupuytren’s disease in the Hispanic population: a 10-year retrospective review. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;128(6):1251-6. (PDF)
  • Zaworski RE, Mann RJ. Dupuytren’s contractures in a black patient. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1979;63(1):122-4. (PDF)