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Medline Title Search (Dupuytren + (Seizure Medications or Alcoholism))

Selected Publications

  • Brenner P, Mailander P, Berger A. (1994). “Epidemiology of Dupuytren’s Disease.” Journal Article. In Dupuytren’s Disease Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Management, 244–54. (PDF)
  • Critchley EM, Vakil SD, Hayward HW, Owen VM. (1976). “ Dupuytren’s Disease in Epilepsy: Result of Prolonged Administration of Anticonvulsants .” Journal Article. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 39 (5): 498–503. (PDF)
  • Geoghegan JM, Forbes J, Clark DI, Smith C, Hubbard R. (2004). “Dupuytren’s Disease Risk Factors.” Journal Article. J Hand Surg Br 29 (5): 423–26. (PDF)
  • Hart MG, Hooper G. (2005). “ Clinical Associations of Dupuytren’s Disease .” Journal Article. Postgrad Med J 81 (957): 425–28. (PDF)
  • Mattson RH, Cramer JA, McCutchen CB. (1989). “Barbiturate-Related Connective Tissue Disorders.” Journal Article. Archives of Internal Medicine 149 (4): 911–14. (PDF)
  • Pojer Jaroslav, Radivojevic Milan, Williams T Franklin. (1972). “Dupuytren’s Disease Its Association With Abnormal Liver Function in Alcoholism and Epilepsy.” Journal Article. (PDF)
  • Pomblum VJ, Agne NA, de Oliveira RC. (2011). “Dupuytren’s and Ledderhose’s Contractures in a Patient under Long-Term Anticonvulsant Drugs.” Journal Article. Wien Klin Wochenschr 123 (21–22): 645. (PDF)
  • Tripoli M, Cordova A, Moschella F. (2011). “Dupuytren’s Contracture as Result of Prolonged Administration of Phenobarbital.” Journal Article. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 15 (3): 299–302. (PDF)