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First Dupuytren Nodule

My first Dupuytren palm nodule. What will to happen to me? Most Dupuytren disease starts as a nodule. Some nodules go away without any treatment. Some nodules develop minor cords and then seem to stop. Some nodules are the first sign of severe Dupuytren disease. Which is it going to be? Without a biomarker, we can […]

GivingTuesday Deal for the Dupuytren Foundation

It has been a great year – thanks to you! We’ve launched the International Dupuytren Data Bank (IDDB) – research for a cure, to be the largest Dupuytren study in history. Now that the IDDB is underway, your support is more important than ever. Please consider increasing your year-end gift to the Dupuytren Foundation this year […]

IDDB Research for a Cure: Enrollment is Open

Cure Dupuytren Disease

Today is the day. The International Dupuytren Data Bank is now live. Independent. Crowdsourced. Massive. Free. The biggest Dupuytren research study ever. Enroll now at Tell everyone with Dupuytren disease to enroll. Together, we will find a cure.

Three types of Dupuytren disease?

It’s important to understand the difference between Dupuytren disease (any Dupuytren like changes in the hand – with or without contracture) and Dupuytren contracture (a bent finger due to Dupuytren like changes). An unsolved issue is variability of disease. It is not known what percent of people with early Dupuytren changes (a lump, a cord without contracture) will […]

The Knowledge Gap

Dupuytren disease has fallen through a gap in a system which ordinarily leads to better and better disease treatment. One side of the gap is that at its core, Dupuytren disease is a medical disorder, from some subtle biologic imbalance. The other side is that although Dupuytren disease does many things, Dupuytren hand deformity has […]

2015 International Symposium on Dupuytren Disease

2015 Dupuytren Symposium

The May 2015 International Dupuytren Symposium in Groningen, The Netherlands was very productive. A textbook based on the proceedings is in the works. Video presentations are rolling out on