Google Glass and Dupuytren Procedures
A neat use of Google Glass to record procedures for Dupuytren disease: step is to miniaturize the view and track down the culprit molecules!
Dupuytren Foundation Matching Gift Opportunity
We will Doubleyour Dupuytren Donation Dollarsthru December! Dupuytren Foundation matching gift details here. Donate here!.
Dupuytren Minute Message: Sports and exercise 3
Tread Lightly on Your Palms Dupuytren biology involves myofibroblasts, provoked by mechanical forces, among other things; nice review article here: Stretching fingers backward – intuitive, logical …and probably the exact wrong thing to do for Dupuytren. Pushups? Use pushup handles or fist pushups on padding; same for yoga downward dog position. Adapt and keep […]
Video Interviews: What would hand surgeons want for their own Dupuytren disease?
Rolling out the second video from a series of interviews at this year’s annual meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Each video features surgeons answering one question about Dupuytren disease. Twenty hand surgeons answer the question “What’s your plan if you get Dupuytren disease?” Stay tuned for more videos in coming weeks:subscribe to […]
Dupuytren Minute Message: Sports and Exercise 2
Rock Climbing and Dupuytren Disease Rock climbing increases risk of Dupuytren contracture. Read the full article here: The more hours spent, the greater the risk. Why? Dupuytren biology is fed by mechanical stress. Stress alone won’t give you Dupuytren disease, but with genetic Dupuytren risk, stressing your palms might start it early. Probably same […]
Dupuytren Minute Message: Sports and Exercise:
Mind Your Grip Sports and Exercise: Dupuytren biology is provoked by mechanical stress. If you have Dupuytren disease, don’t stop exercising, but look into ways to reduce the stress on your palms when you work out. You can cushion or shield your palms with workout gloves, pull up hooks, or pull up pads. Also, anything […]
Medical research: I have nodules but no contractures. What can I do?

I have nodules but no contractures. What can I do? The question “What can I do to keep my Dupuytren’s from getting worse or from coming back after treatment?” is the holy grail for Dupuytren’s. Dupuytren’s is not cured by surgery, and there is not an effective medical treatment to stop or slow progression. This […]
Dupuytren Roundtable Discussions
Here are links to two recently published roundtable discussions by experts in the field of Dupuytren’s. Although these were discussions by surgeons for surgeons, they are really just conversations and quite readable. They highlight the current challenges both surgeons and their patients face with Dupuytren’s disease and provide insight into future efforts to develop a […]
Dupuytren Foundation 2010 Report
It’s been a busy year behind the scenes for the Dupuytren Foundation – see what we’ve been up to at