2010 Dupuytren’s Symposium Screensaver. Mysterious, like Dupuytren’s
Produced for the 2010 Miami Dupuytren Symposium with Electric Sheep and Wax Audio, this musical animation provides a background to contemplate new approaches to find a cure for Dupuytren’s.
Miami Dupuytren Symposium spurs new research: Report from Dupuytren’s Day at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Handchirurgiethe (German Society for Surgery of the Hand – DGH)
Dr Wolfgang Wach reports from the DGH, Oct 7 Dupuytren Program: “I attended the Dupuytren’s day at the Nuremberg conference of German hand surgeons and the Miami Dupuytren Symposium was pretty well covered there. Bernhard Lukas gave a review of the Miami conference and the current issue of the German
Swimming the English Channel to Support Dupuytren’s Research
Surgeons and surgeons in training brave the English Channel to raise money to support hand surgery research: Cold! I mean …How cool is that? Good work!
Video: I was a Teenage Myofibroblast (and I loved it!)
Before becoming the villain in Dupuytren’s, the myofibroblast was really not a bad cell. What happened? What caused the change? Could it happen to you? Professor Sem Phan, Department of Pathology, University of Michigan explains almost everything in this presentation of “Mechanisms of Myofibroblast Differentiation”: Funding for these and
The Secret Life of Myofibroblasts: Dr. Boris Hinz reveals all!
Boris Hinz, PhD, University of Toronto, Ontario, CA, presents “Fundamental aspects of myofibroblast contraction.” and explains how the process is simple and complex. How do these little cells do such big things? More importantly, what steps in the process go wrong to result in Dupuytren’s, and what can be done
Dupuytren’s vs. Burns! Video: Dr. Paul Zidel at the 2010 Miami Dupuytren Symposium
Dr. Paul Zidel, Chief, Hand Surgery, Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona, presents a thought provoking comparison of two different yet similar conditions in “Dupuytren’s versus burn scar contracture” scars, Ledderhose disease, burn scars, keloid scars, desmoid tumors, pulmonary fibrosis, arteriosclerosis and other abnormal fibrosing conditions share some of the same
Video: Professor Millesi at the Miami Dupuytren’s Symposium
Professor Hanno Millesi of the Millesi Center in Vienna, chairman of the 1983 Dupuytren’s Meeting in Vienna, presents “Changes of the visco-elastic properties of the palmar fascia as the pathogenetic basis of Dupuytren’s Disease”: The more one investigates, the deeper the mystery of Dupuytren’s becomes. The legendary Dr. Millesi
Dr. Meinel presents a new concept of Dupuytren’s at the Miami Dupuytren Symposium
Dr. Albrecht Meinel, former chief of surgery for over 20 years at Tauberbischofsheim Hospital, Germany, shares his insights from a lifetime interest in Dupuytren’s contracture with the paradigm-shifting presentation “The palmar fibromatosis or the loss of flexibility of the palmar finger tissue. A new insight into the disease process of
Dr. Paul Werker presents at the 2010 Dupuytren Symposium
Paul Werker MD Ph.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery, Groningen University Medical Center Groningen, NL, presents Management of soft tissue contractures: a surgical perspective. See the video at This and other video presentations from the 2010 International Symposium on Dupuytren’s Disease are made possible through
Recent Dupuytren Publications
- Management of Dupuytren's Disease: A Multi-Centric Comparative Analysis Between Experienced Hand Surgeons Versus Artificial Intelligence
- Wide-Awake Partial Fasciectomy for Dupuytren Contracture: A Nationwide Analysis of Adverse Events and Reimbursement
- Public Awareness of Dupuytren's Contracture in Saudi Arabia
- Comments on: "Dupuytren's contracture: Is a history of percutaneous needle fasciotomy a risk factor for postoperative complications after secondary open fasciectomy? A retrospective study of 62 hands" by Artuso M, Protais M, Ghabcha A, Marion B, Delambre J, Aim F, published in Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2024;104045. doi: 10.1016/j.otsr.2024.104045
- Clinical Effectiveness of an Orthosis After Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Injection for Dupuytren Contracture