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Medline Title Search (Dupuytren + (Knuckle or Garrod))

Dupuytren knuckle pads are also referred to as Garrod Pads or Dorsal Dupuytren Nodules.

Selected Publications

  • Addison A. Knuckle pads causing extensor tendon tethering. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1984/01/01 ed. 1984 Jan;66(1):128–30. (PDF)
  • Garrod AE. Concerning Pads upon the Finger Joints and their Clinical Relationships. Br Med J. 1904;2(2270):8. (PDF)
  • Hueston JT, Wilson WF. Knuckle pads. Aust N Z J Surg. 1973;42(3):274–7. (PDF)
  • Hueston J. Some observations on knuckle pads . The J Hand Surg J Br Soc Surg Hand . 1984; 9 ( 1 ):75–8. (PDF)
  • Irwin LR, Naylor IL, Holms W. The contractility of knuckle pads. An in vitro study. J Hand Surg Br. 1997; Feb;22(1):110–2. (PDF)
  • Lagier R, Meinecke R. Pathology of “knuckle pads”. Study of four cases. Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histol. 1975/01/01 ed. 1975;365(3):185–91. (PDF)
  • Mackey SL, Cobb MW. Knuckle pads. Cutis. 1994/09/01 ed. 1994 Oct;54(3):159–60. (PDF)
  • McGrouther DA. The extensor mechanism and knuckle changes. In: Dupuytren’s Disease Biology and Treatment. 1990;168–71. (PDF)
  • Paller AS, Hebert AA. Knuckle pads in children. Am J Dis Child. 1986;140(9):915–7. (PDF)
  • Rayan GM, Ali M, Orozco J. Dorsal pads versus nodules in normal population and Dupuytren’s disease patients. J Hand Surg Am. 2010/08/31 ed. 2010;35(10):1571–9. (PDF)