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Mother’s Day Maps

May is here. Summer is coming! In many countries, Mother’s day is being celebrated this Sunday. It’s a meaningful milestone. Dupuytren Research Group is also marking milestones – on a variety of maps. International Dupuytren Data Bank Enrollment The IDDB is nearing the 3000 enrollee mark: as of today, we

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Survey Results: Dupuytren Triggers

The December 2017 Sixty Second Survey on Dupuytren Triggers was the most data-packed survey to date. This survey focused on a simple-sounding question: is the onset of Dupuytren disease triggered by an external event such as injury, physical activity, medication, or emotional stress? Almost 40 percent of those taking the

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Dupuytren Matching Gift Challenge

Compassion, Generosity, and Enlightened Self-Interest In this season of gratitude and self-reflection, it’s wonderful to have a simple way to help oneself and at the same time help others in the same situation. I have Dupuytren disease in my hand. I’ve learned that Dupuytren-related diseases run in my family, here

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Dupuytren Triggers: 60 second survey

Dupuytren Triggers Yes, that’s a picture of Roy Roger’s horse, Trigger. You might not have been expecting that. Dupuytren also shows up unexpectedly. People have normal hands, and then they don’t. Many feel the problem came out of nowhere. Others may recall some event happening around the same time as

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Dupuytren, Sports, and Floor Exercises

Does Dupuytren affect your sports or floor exercises? This Sixty Second Survey will help us understand Dupuytren and the lives of people it affects. [ale_button url=”” style=”light-blue” size=”small” type=”round” target=”_blank”]Take this 60 Second Survey Now[/ale_button] It’ll only take a minute! Please repost and retweet. Thanks! Charles Eaton MD

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Dupuytren and Handwriting

Does Dupuytren affect your handwriting or how you write? Yes or no, we’d love to know! Take the short survey: – it will take less than 60 seconds. Results will be released next week. Please repost/retweet! Thanks – Charles Eaton MD

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What is Dupuytren Disease?

What is Dupuytren disease? After passing the first hurdle of pronouncing Dupuytren (DOOpa-tren: sort of rhymes with “hooka den”, “group of friends” “move again” “super bend”…), most people – doctors and patients alike – have trouble answering this question. Most doctors don’t give a simple answer. Instead, they often just describe

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Dupuytren and nerve problems?

Does Dupuytren cause nerve problems? A common topic of discussion on Dupuytren forums such The Dupuytren’s Disease Support Group [ale_button url=”” style=”light-blue” size=”small” type=”round” target=”_blank”] DDSG [/ale_button] is whether or not Dupuytren causes numbness and tingling in the hands and arms. As with everything Dupuytren related, the answer is …it

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The Future is Coming!

Improving the Future of Dupuytren Care Right now, many people with mild Dupuytren biology do well after surgery or after Xiaflex – because most people have mild to moderate Dupuytren biology. The issue isn’t the patient with mild disease biology who will do well for a long time after any

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