Did You Know These Dupuytren Facts?

Did You Know These Dupuytren Facts? Did you know? Today, each child of a parent with Dupuytren has a one in four chance of developing Dupuytren. Did you know? Today, there’s no practical way to test if a treatment can prevent Dupuytren. Did you know? Today’s approach to Dupuytren treatment is the same as it was in the 1800s: wait for a bend, […]

Shop Amazon and Support Research: Amazon4Dup.com

The AmazonSmile program donated to charitable organizations for purchases made through Amazon.com. Sadly, Amazon reversed its course and discontinued this program in February 2023 for Dupuytren Research Group and most of the nonprofits benefiting from this program. Thanks for your prior support of Dupuytren Research through AmazonSmile! Charles Eaton MD

Dupuytren and Fear of the Unknown

Dupuytren and Fear of the Unknown Boopuytren! Here’s a common Dupuytren script. A person finds something unexplained in their palm. They see a hand surgeon, who tells them “You have Dupuytren disease.” “There’s nothing to do now.” “Come back when you can’t put your palm flat on a tabletop.” First, disappointment: the doctor did …nothing! (and […]

Mother’s Day Maps

May is here. Summer is coming! In many countries, Mother’s day is being celebrated this Sunday. It’s a meaningful milestone. Dupuytren Research Group is also marking milestones – on a variety of maps. International Dupuytren Data Bank Enrollment The IDDB is nearing the 3000 enrollee mark: as of today, we have 2996 enrollees. Here is […]

Survey Results: Dupuytren Triggers

The December 2017 Sixty Second Survey on Dupuytren Triggers was the most data-packed survey to date. This survey focused on a simple-sounding question: is the onset of Dupuytren disease triggered by an external event such as injury, physical activity, medication, or emotional stress? Almost 40 percent of those taking the survey believed that some event […]

The Future is Coming!

Improving the Future of Dupuytren Care Right now, many people with mild Dupuytren biology do well after surgery or after Xiaflex – because most people have mild to moderate Dupuytren biology. The issue isn’t the patient with mild disease biology who will do well for a long time after any treatment. The issue is those […]

Dupuytren Heroes Raising Dupuytren Awareness

Dupuytren disease advocacy faces many small challenges which collectively add up to a big challenge. Even the French word Dupuytren (“Doop-a-tren”) isn’t familiar to English speakers either in sound or spelling. It doesn’t even rhyme with any English word. The result is that the word Dupuytren is hard to remember, and often doesn’t register when people see […]

Speeding up Dupuytren research

A hand surgery colleague just sent me hand pictures of a patient he had treated with needle aponeurotomy seven years ago. His patient recently had a recurrence and had an excellent outcome with repeat needle aponeurotomy. A great result, more impressive because things don’t always go as well. It’s an example of the ups and downs […]

First Dupuytren Nodule

My first Dupuytren palm nodule. What will to happen to me? Most Dupuytren disease starts as a nodule. Some nodules go away without any treatment. Some nodules develop minor cords and then seem to stop. Some nodules are the first sign of severe Dupuytren disease. Which is it going to be? Without a biomarker, we can […]

Dupuytren Contracture Procedure Choices

If a hand progresses from early Dupuytren disease (nodules, dimples, cords with no limitation of motion) to Dupuytren contracture, treatment should be considered.  The best compromise between the ordeal of a procedure and the best long term outcome is to treat either when the finger is either awkwardly bent or if the bend of one joint […]